Thursday, June 3, 2010

Our Sad Future Gone In Oil

You know I just had to take a few moments to go on this rant. Tonight while clicking through the news channels I was struck like lightening just how sad our combined futures may be. Think about this friends. In 1969 our nation with limited technology and funds actually landed 3 Americans on the moon, explored the surface and returned home. Then we did it 5 more times. Sadly our nation then became bored and retired the Apollo program. Fast forward almost 45 years and our country is broke and we allow oil companies to drill as deep as they wish under our oceans with no obvious plans of what to do when something goes wrong.

In 1969 we landed on the moon and now we can't even stop an oil leak under the sea. Is it not ironic that just before this disaster our government decided to kill much of the space program? NASA on several occasions sent missions to the Hubble Space Telescope to repair the massive telescope, always with amazing and breathtaking results.

Where has our American spirit gone? Greed has captured and destroyed much of it sadly. We better wake up before it's too late.