Saturday, June 13, 2009

The William Mann River Rages

DSC04115 As if the weather gods were looking down on me and laughing since Kevin left for Senior Week a torrential storm struck the Mann estate while Kathy & I were out for the evening with my parents. As we sat dining at “The Bonefish Grill” rain poured outside in buckets. I wondered to myself, “I hope the stream is ok?” After dinner and a little shopping we arrived home about an hour and a half after the storm had ended. Surprisingly the Mann River was still raging as if it to was angry that Kevin would not be home until next Saturday. Because I am always thinking of you, my dedicated readers I braved the weather conditions in order to capture some video of the raging current running through the Mann River. 

Friday, June 12, 2009

Kevin Graduates High School

Dedicated readers, last night as first reported on facebook Kevin graduated from High School. It was a long time coming and his college days are on the horizon. I was a little nervous but very proud of Kevin as he stood with his class and received his diploma. With Bill Jr finishing up college and Kevin heading there it is no more high school for me as a parent. Where does the time go?

Kevin receives his high school diploma!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Kevin Graduates!

I have a mixed bag of emotiona attacking me dedicated readers.