Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thanks for The Birthday Wishes

I would like to thank everyone for all of your birthday wishes made here and on my Facebook wall. Life is short and it is good to have all of these well wishes from so many good friends & family. (pictured right) One of Bill Jr's earliest birthdays. It's hard to believe he is 22 now and I am sitting here at 45! But look at THAT cake! THAT was a work of art!
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Was That Really Me?

wasthatmeAs a dedicated reader you surely are aware that today is my birthday. Birthdays have lost the magic that they once had. I remember my dad turning “39” and thinking to myself “I will never be THAT old”. well dedicated readers I passed 39 and here I am in the middle of my 40’s. I really can’t believe this has happened to me.  Well it did and it’s another “happy birthday to me”.

Friday, May 15, 2009

"I Want To Go Back, Please Tell Me How"

I realize that one of my most popular blog entries with you, my dedicated readers was my vast insight into the world of music. As tonight began to wind down the following tune would not stop haunting me. Anyway with all this talk of Kevin heading off to college this Phil Collins song will not stop playing in my head. The song, which is from my favorite Phil Collins album, 1993's "Both Sides" talks about how we all turn into our fathers as we are also forced watch out children grow up and out of our control.

Dedicated readers, take a few minutes to listen to this song and read the incredible lyrics. If you have a father who you love and you have children growing up and moving on this song will have special meaning to you.

"We're Sons Of Our Fathers" by Phil Collins
When I grow up to be a man
like my father was when I was young
I hope i can make him so proud of me
Proud enough to call me his son

What makes these people so different now
what makes these times so strange
seems most people got most everything they need
how come we see this change

Our sons and daughters seem to be beyond our control
their smile is fading fast, they're losing their soul
when will we ever learn, yet I'm a believer

When I was a boy, did we have more respect
this world seemed a nicer place to be
but time slowly passes and one day you look around
you hardly recognize what you see

Our sons and daughters seem to be beyond our control
their smile is fading fast, they're losing their soul
now when will we ever learn, yet I'm a believer

They're beyond our control

We're all sons of our fathers
sometimes I feel like mine
and I can hear him say, the things I say
seems all things come around in time

Why these things happen we'll never know
guess that was then and this is now
we always knew that change was gonna come
but I want to go back, please tell me how

Our sons and daughters seem to be beyond our control
their smile is fading fast, they're losing their soul
when will we ever learn, yet I'm a believer

"Star Trek - Constellations"

Ok I admit it. After the new Star Trek movie I can not stop thinking about the Star Trek universe. I have not read a good history or biography in a month or so but I just can't stop with the whole science fiction thing right now. After finishing "Fountains of Paradise" and "Star Trek - Countdown" I decided to read a Star Trek book which has been sitting in my library unread since 2006. "Star Trek - Constellations" is a 40th anniversary special which is a collection of short stories involving the original Star Trek series. I am not a huge fan of the short story format, however I decided to give this a try dedicated readers.

Kevin's Senior Prom

Tonight was Kevin's senior prom and of course he attended with his beautiful girlfriend, Ashley. As I took pictures of these two amazing people I was so proud and I was left wondering "was I ever as cool and handsome as Kevin"? The answer is of course "no". However as a parent and as one who loves his boys so much I would never want it any other way. I was actually very excited as I took pictures and met many of Kevin's classmates before their prom.

Kevin, Ashley and just some of their friends getting ready to head off to their senior prom.

Look how happy I am dedicated readers. Look how proud I am. Thats me, Kevin, Ashley, Kathy and Ashley's mom before the prom.

Special Pre-Prom 2009 Slideshow

You can click on the slideshow itself to make it larger. Enjoy dedicated readers. How great would it to be to be this young & beautiful again, if only for a single day!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Star Trek - Countdown"

I have not read a graphic novel in years but after seeing the new Star Trek movie five times (so far) I just had to check the graphic novel, "Star Trek - Countdown" out. This tells the story of Nero 25 years before the events told in the new movie. But wait a minute. If this takes place BEFORE Kirk and Spock's first mission how is Nero in the Next Generation universe. Only in Star Trek can stuff like this happen!

UPDATE: This is a 100 page or so graphic novel and I finished it in one reading. Although short it is worth the time if you enjoyed the movie as it really does fill in some of the back end of the plot and sets up Nero's downfall.

Making Comments

Dedicated readers my last entry (Verizon Rant) has led to quiet alot of conversation and email messages. One of the items brought up was the ability to make comments on my blog entries. To comment you must open the specific blog entry and the comment link will be available to you at the bottom of the entry. You can also simply click the word "comments" which is on the bottom of each entry.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Verizon Rant (video version)

Here dedicated readers is the video version of my unfortunate rant regarding Verizon FioS service in my home.

Verizon Did Me Wrong

Dedicated readers I have a horrible story to tell. As a dedicated reader you must know that I am a long time Directv customer. I have been with Directv since 1996 and I have no intention of canceling their great service. I also have Verizon Fios for Internet & Telephone services. Anyway last week I get a phone call from Verizon "offering" me increased services and only a slightly increased cost. However I would be "getting HD TV including Comcast Sportsnet Philadelphia" which the evil Comcast Company refuses to sell to Directv. Against my better judgment I listened to the Verizon sales rep and I signed on for their "triple pack". 

However after the call I started having second thoughts and I tred to contact the rep I was talking to earlier however he was not answering his phone or returning my calls. Funny since he specifically gave me his cell phone number because he "cares". The following day I called Verizon and finally get a hold of someone after what seemed like hours back and forth on the phone with various departments. It did not take long before I was angry and that was before I drug out certain facts that were contrary to the previous evenings promises.

Some of the misleading information I found included:

1. I need "boxes" at any TV that I want Verizon TV. $3.99 each. These are simply "digital adapters". Nothing fancy here. No grid, no nothing, but $3.99 each.

2. Any new wiring is at least $59.00 per TV run.

3. To get Comcast Sportsnet the monthly package is increased by $10.00.

I could go on and on but I won't except for the fact that the ad I received said specifically $99.99 /month for FiOS TV, Internet & Phone Service. However this does not include the receivers ranging from $3.99 to $10.00 each or the aforementioned $59.00 (or so) cable charges to install wiring.

All this plus hours on the phone with "Verizon reps" all over the world has left me frustrated, angry and just a little disappointed in Verizon. Dedicated readers do yourself a favor, call Directv as soon as possible and stay away from Verizon for TV.

In the end dedicated readers it is all about customer service. My contacts with Verizon these past couple of days have left me angry and feeling mislead and deceived. On the other hand for the past 12 years Directv although not perfect I NEVER was made to feel mislead or deceived.

The moral of the story is quite simple dedicated readers.
Directv = goodness.
Verizon and Comcast = evilness.

Save yourself, save your family go to today.

Video Highlights Made Easy

Dedicated readers there are now select William Mann Journal videos available on the right side of this fine journal. New videos will always be posted here but for now I have a recently filmed music video as well as some selected Kevin Mann highlights from this past football season.

You can always visit the William Mann Journal YouTube Channel as well.

I hope to film a new episode very soon.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Trekkie is Born

Tonight I believe I helped deliver yet another Trekkie into the world. After going to see the new Star Trek film with Ian, Brianna, Bill Jr, Dad and Lt. Morris Brianna started begging me to borrow some of my Star Trek DVD's.

Monday, May 11, 2009

STS-125 is "Mission Go"

For those of you, my dedicated readers who missed it, Space Shuttle Atlantis (STS-125) lifted off this afternoon from Kennedy Space Center en route to repair the Hubble Space Telescope.

Star Trek 101

I must say that this past weekend has been a rather unusual one for me. No it's not because of mother's day or Kevin's continued preparation for college. You see I have been a Trekkie (or Trekker) since my earliest memories. I can distinctly remember the first time I saw Star Trek on TV. I had to be 6 or 7 years old and while my grandmother (Nanny) vacuumed the living room I was changing the TV channels (knob on TV) trying to stay out of her way when I stopped on Channel 48. There was Mr. Spock mind-melding with a "horta" and Captain Kirk standing by looking ever so concerned, phaser in hand. I was hooked from that moment on. It had to be 1973 or so because I remember the animated series airing on Saturday morning shortly afterward and that was 1974. From those earliest days Star Trek has always held a special place to me. However life can be difficult and through my childhood, teenage years and even as an adult most of my friends and family thought I was a little nuts. I knew better because Star Trek was unique, just like me. It's tales of morality, common respect for others and its open mindness went on to help me raise my boys to be thoughtful, intelligent & respectful people.

Anyway on to the reason for this blog entry. Flash forward 4 more spin off TV series and 10 movies and although there was almost always some new Star Trek out there, it was never quite "hip" or "cool", whatever that it. That all changed this weekend when the 11th Star Trek film opened to fantastic reviews and huge box office. For the first time, friends, co-workers and even family members are talking to me about Star Trek, asking about the movie, the franchise and its history. Well it looks like the rest of the world has finally caught up with me and all those other trekkies (or trekkers). You know it's kind of weird being this cool. I'm not even sure if I am comfortable with it.

Just maybe now that Star Trek finally has the attention of the masses, people will learn some of it's lessons.

As an example here is a scene that has never left me since childhood. As Kirk & Spock talk with the alien the conversation turns to racism and the insanity of judging anyone by their appearance. As the hatred of the 2 sole survivors of an entire planet continues to rage while they are onboard the Enterprise they refuse to change their behavior and eventually destroy themselves. Lessons are hard to come by on television and Star Trek remains one of the rare exceptions to that rule.

The Dangerous Mission of STS-125

Cross your fingers and wish the crew of STS-125 good luck on their mission to repair and upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope. This is the final mission to upgrade the Hubble which should continue recording images from deep space until about 2014 when a smarter and bigger space telescope is ready for action.

This is such a difficult and unusual mission with 7 space walks scheduled (a record for NASA) and Astronauts actually working INSIDE the 19 year old telescope that the Space Shuttle Endeavor sits on a launch pad on standby for emergency rescue services. This is highly unusual for NASA so keep NASA in your thoughts for this very cool mission.

Mission: STS-125
Orbiter: Atlantis
Primary Payload: Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 4
Launch Date: May 11
Launch Time: 2:01 p.m. EDT
Launch Pad: 39A
Mission Duration: 11 days
Landing Date: May 22
Landing Time: 11:41 a.m. EDT
Landing Site: Kennedy Space Center, Florida

For more news check out NASA's official website.There is some great information there.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Blog System Updates

One of the things many of you have asked for from this new blog is simply more William Mann. Because I care for each and everyone of you, my dedicated readers I decided to add some William Mann Slideshows to the right sidebar of this fine journal. You can simply watch the slideshows while you visit here or you can click on any of them for full fledged William Mann action from some of his many adventures.