Friday, May 8, 2009

A Star Trek Dream

OK I admit it. I could be considered a geek or nerd by some of you, even those of you who are dedicated readers of this fine journal. As you know last night I traveled to King of Prussia with Bill Jr & Kevin to see the new Star Trek film on IMAX. I was simply blown away by the movie. As someone who literally grew up on the Star Trek universe this film meets all the wishes I had for it.

When I first heard that the filmmakers were going back to the source material and using some sort of time travel story to get back to the original characters I was a little nervous. However being desperate for new Star Trek I hoped for the best and sat back and waited to see what J.J. Abrhams and team came up with. I was also relieved to hear early on that the original Mr. Spock, Leonard Nimoy himself endorsed the story and was in fact appearing in the film.

So anyway after seeing it last night I decided to trek (no pun intended) over to my local movie house for a afternoon showing of it without all the crowds and hype. I must report I enjoyed it even more on the second viewing.

The story opens up BIG and I do mean big. The opening 20 minutes out performs many climaxes of big movie releases and the movie just gets better after that. Immediately you realize that this new Star Trek is slightly ajar from Gene Roddenberry's original, however the plot trigger that permits this to occur is really the only true way the filmmakers could have "re-booted" this thing.

I refuse to give away any spoilers or ruin the movie for any of you, my dedicated readers who want to see it. Even if you are not a fan of the original Star Trek I urge you to beam over to your nearest movie house and take a chance.

The second film is already being scripted and the cast is signed for two more of these trips. I for one am on board and as Captain Kirk says at the end of "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn" when he is asked by Bones how he feels, Kirk responds with "Young... I feel young." I could not have said it better Jim.

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