Friday, May 29, 2009

Discovering Natalie

Merchant One of the best things about subscribing to Sirius Radio is all of the new music you can find if you look. One of my favorite stations on Sirius is “The Coffee House” , which plays acoustic rock. I have discovered so many great artists specifically from this station it is  amazing. It is here that I first found Loudon Wainwright III, Luka Bloom, Amos Lee, David Gray, Tracy Chapman and now I add Natalie Merchant to this amazing list of talent. I have heard Natalie Merchant on Sirius several times and her haunting voice always catches my attention. Lately I have checked out a couple of her CD releases and they are peaceful, haunting and mythical in their prose. 

The first song of Natalie's that I ever heard was "Wonder". Every time I hear this song I am brought back to the birth of each of my boys.

To learn more about Natalie Merchant's music check out her webpage.

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