Thursday, May 28, 2009

Martin Van Buren by Ted Widmer

vanburen Ok I had to take a break from all of those science fiction novels, especially after the weak Star Trek short story collection, “Constellations”. I decided to get back to some history and chose a biography of Martin Van Buren by Ted Widmer.  Van Buren who was president from 1873 to 1841 is not thought much of these days and he is often disregarded by most historians. However his life story and political weight warrants more attention dedicated readers. For one thing, Van Buren was one of the first to recognize to political potential of  Andrew Jackson and Van Buren subsequently played a vital role in helping Jackson obtain the presidency. Van Buren was awarded the vice presidency under Jackson where he faithfully served Jackson for 8 years. Van Buren won the presidency in his own right as Jackson’s hand picked successor. However, unlike Jackson, events controlled him, he did not control events. The Financial Panic of 1837 which stands as this nations greatest financial disaster erupted shortly after Van Buren’s election and clouded his entire time in the White House. If that was not bad enough the ugly head of slavery was brought to his desk with the events surrounding the Slave Ship “Amistad”. This short biography should be entertaining while shining some light on “The Little Magician”.  

Unfortunately I realize that many of you, my dedicated readers are bored by history and reading however I wanted to show you this short video. Did you know there was a whole episode of "Seinfeld" which featured our 8th president? Check it out dedicated readers.

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