Friday, May 15, 2009

Kevin's Senior Prom

Tonight was Kevin's senior prom and of course he attended with his beautiful girlfriend, Ashley. As I took pictures of these two amazing people I was so proud and I was left wondering "was I ever as cool and handsome as Kevin"? The answer is of course "no". However as a parent and as one who loves his boys so much I would never want it any other way. I was actually very excited as I took pictures and met many of Kevin's classmates before their prom.

Kevin, Ashley and just some of their friends getting ready to head off to their senior prom.

Look how happy I am dedicated readers. Look how proud I am. Thats me, Kevin, Ashley, Kathy and Ashley's mom before the prom.

Special Pre-Prom 2009 Slideshow

You can click on the slideshow itself to make it larger. Enjoy dedicated readers. How great would it to be to be this young & beautiful again, if only for a single day!

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