Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Verizon Did Me Wrong

Dedicated readers I have a horrible story to tell. As a dedicated reader you must know that I am a long time Directv customer. I have been with Directv since 1996 and I have no intention of canceling their great service. I also have Verizon Fios for Internet & Telephone services. Anyway last week I get a phone call from Verizon "offering" me increased services and only a slightly increased cost. However I would be "getting HD TV including Comcast Sportsnet Philadelphia" which the evil Comcast Company refuses to sell to Directv. Against my better judgment I listened to the Verizon sales rep and I signed on for their "triple pack". 

However after the call I started having second thoughts and I tred to contact the rep I was talking to earlier however he was not answering his phone or returning my calls. Funny since he specifically gave me his cell phone number because he "cares". The following day I called Verizon and finally get a hold of someone after what seemed like hours back and forth on the phone with various departments. It did not take long before I was angry and that was before I drug out certain facts that were contrary to the previous evenings promises.

Some of the misleading information I found included:

1. I need "boxes" at any TV that I want Verizon TV. $3.99 each. These are simply "digital adapters". Nothing fancy here. No grid, no nothing, but $3.99 each.

2. Any new wiring is at least $59.00 per TV run.

3. To get Comcast Sportsnet the monthly package is increased by $10.00.

I could go on and on but I won't except for the fact that the ad I received said specifically $99.99 /month for FiOS TV, Internet & Phone Service. However this does not include the receivers ranging from $3.99 to $10.00 each or the aforementioned $59.00 (or so) cable charges to install wiring.

All this plus hours on the phone with "Verizon reps" all over the world has left me frustrated, angry and just a little disappointed in Verizon. Dedicated readers do yourself a favor, call Directv as soon as possible and stay away from Verizon for TV.

In the end dedicated readers it is all about customer service. My contacts with Verizon these past couple of days have left me angry and feeling mislead and deceived. On the other hand for the past 12 years Directv although not perfect I NEVER was made to feel mislead or deceived.

The moral of the story is quite simple dedicated readers.
Directv = goodness.
Verizon and Comcast = evilness.

Save yourself, save your family go to today.

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