Monday, May 11, 2009

Star Trek 101

I must say that this past weekend has been a rather unusual one for me. No it's not because of mother's day or Kevin's continued preparation for college. You see I have been a Trekkie (or Trekker) since my earliest memories. I can distinctly remember the first time I saw Star Trek on TV. I had to be 6 or 7 years old and while my grandmother (Nanny) vacuumed the living room I was changing the TV channels (knob on TV) trying to stay out of her way when I stopped on Channel 48. There was Mr. Spock mind-melding with a "horta" and Captain Kirk standing by looking ever so concerned, phaser in hand. I was hooked from that moment on. It had to be 1973 or so because I remember the animated series airing on Saturday morning shortly afterward and that was 1974. From those earliest days Star Trek has always held a special place to me. However life can be difficult and through my childhood, teenage years and even as an adult most of my friends and family thought I was a little nuts. I knew better because Star Trek was unique, just like me. It's tales of morality, common respect for others and its open mindness went on to help me raise my boys to be thoughtful, intelligent & respectful people.

Anyway on to the reason for this blog entry. Flash forward 4 more spin off TV series and 10 movies and although there was almost always some new Star Trek out there, it was never quite "hip" or "cool", whatever that it. That all changed this weekend when the 11th Star Trek film opened to fantastic reviews and huge box office. For the first time, friends, co-workers and even family members are talking to me about Star Trek, asking about the movie, the franchise and its history. Well it looks like the rest of the world has finally caught up with me and all those other trekkies (or trekkers). You know it's kind of weird being this cool. I'm not even sure if I am comfortable with it.

Just maybe now that Star Trek finally has the attention of the masses, people will learn some of it's lessons.

As an example here is a scene that has never left me since childhood. As Kirk & Spock talk with the alien the conversation turns to racism and the insanity of judging anyone by their appearance. As the hatred of the 2 sole survivors of an entire planet continues to rage while they are onboard the Enterprise they refuse to change their behavior and eventually destroy themselves. Lessons are hard to come by on television and Star Trek remains one of the rare exceptions to that rule.

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