Friday, May 22, 2009

Wegman's Policy Leads Me To The Hop Devil

Dedicated readers a few weeks ago Kevin came to me with big news. Kevin informed me that while he was shopping at Wegmans he noticed that they were now "selling beer and that the choices were endless". I was rather excited by this because I enjoy a pint from time to time and I have what my wife calls "expensive taste" for the brews. I checked Wegmans out and just like Kevin said the choices were endless. There are a couple of things to be aware of dedicated readers when it comes to picking up some brew at Wegmans.

1. You can not purchase more then a 12 pack at any time. If you want to buy more they ask you to make one purchase, go to your car and then come back for more. Hey but be patient. As Pennsylvania residents this is a huge step for us brew lovers so be patient.

2. Don't get excited like me when they card you. For a minute on my first purchase I was having wonderful flashbacks of my youth but that is a story for another day. Wegmans cards everybody, no matter how old you may appear.

Anyway onto the important stuff. Because you can buy small portions you can actually try out different brews without investing in an entire case. I tried several styles over the past few weeks and I must say I have finally found a competitor to my beloved Samuel Adams. I was shocked at how much I enjoyed the Victory Brewing Company's "Hop Devil Ale". This is one mean brew dedicated readers. With a unique mix of whole flower American hops backed up by rich, German malts this is one brew that will give Samuel Adams a run for the money in the Mann Family fridge.

Unfortunately for Mrs. Mann this new brew is actually slightly more expensive then Samuel Adams.

If you like your brew dedicated reader, check out Wegmans and don't be scared of the "Hop Devil".

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