Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Hoppy Delight without the Bitterness

Today after weeks of prep work and brewing his first beer my very own brother offered me a sneak peak with a couple bottles of his “Buster Brau”. I must say that although this was Ian’s first effort at brewing beer I had confidence going into today’s test tasting. You see Ian had prepared himself studying the art of brewing before heading to the kitchen. I am proud to report that his studies and efforts have paid off in a big way with a special, unique brew.

“Buster Brau” is heavy on the hop. However this brew avoids any bitterness which is normally associated with the hoppier blends and in its place the brew master somehow added some type of cinnamon spicy flavor. Ian’s, “Buster Brau” keeps the beer drinker wanting more and wondering, “How did he do it?”

When an un-named tester who asked to remain anonymous was given a pre-taste he paused stating the following.

“What did he put in it?”
“Geeze, he needs to start a business”.
“Where there should be after-taste it just gets better, the taste actually reveals itself in stages.”
“The color is perfect!”

The future looks bright for this new brew master and I for one hope that this new, first brew by Ian Mann's Lvngded Brewery is around for a long time along with many new exciting brew styles which are surely just around the bend.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot

Since I have started watching the 13 episode series, "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan I am reminded how amazing Sagan was and how more people like him are needed on our planet right now. Watch this short clip from "Cosmos" for a glimpse into what awaits if if you decide to check it out.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Remembering Carl Sagan's "Cosmos"

In 1980 I was 16 years old when I first watched the PBS Series "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan. Now almost 30 years later I stumbled upon this amazing series once again on Netflix. As I watched the opening scene with Carl Sagan discussing the mysteries of the cosmos a chill ran up my spine. I look forward to watching this still relevant 13 episode series all over again.

In 1990 Carl Sagan filmed this short "update & introduction" to "Cosmos". As you listen to Sagan talk about our universe remember this was almost 20 years ago. Carl Sagan was a genius and one of the most inspiring human souls to ever exist on this blue ball we call Earth.

Carl Sagan tragically died to young at 62 years of age in 1996 after a long battle with cancer.

This series truly impacted me growing up and helped to inspire me to always think beyond myself. Carl Sagan's career was awe inspiring including involvement with NASA's Apollo program (he worked with the astronauts preparing them for what they were about to do) and NASA's Mars missions with the Viking landers.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Kung Fu in Orlando

Kevin and video classmates entered this short film for Henderson High School during a film contest a few months ago in Orlando Florida. The video, although singled out for it's unique and clever film making was disqualified for "violence". Yes that's Evan Reinhardt & Ben Askinas in the starring roles. Kevin is responsible for the filming, camera work and editing. This film was scripted, filmed & edited in under 4 hours!

This film was about 44 seconds too long and did not "advertise" the hosting hotel enough for the "judges". If you ask me dedicated readers the "judges" should have over looked this and instead considered the unique quality of the expert film making and awesome take on all those cool Kung Fu movies we all grew up on.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Kevin's Grad Party

Below is a short video of a pre-party walk through I conducted just prior to guests appearing to celebrate with us. To view a short slideshow click here. Be warned that I failed to get pictures later in the night when most of their friends appeared and hung out until the wee hours of the night, but it's probably better off that way. I would like to thank everyone who stopped by to congratulate Kevin and wish me good luck.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

“Too Far From Home” by Chris Jones

toofarfrohome On February 1, 2003 ten astronauts were orbiting the earth. Three on the International Space Station and 7 in the Space Shuttle “Columbia”. After Columbia’s tragic break up entering Earth’s atmosphere. Three American astronauts were stranded on the Space Station with no way home  due to the grounding of the shuttle fleet. Chris Jones tells the harrowing story of their survival, alone in space. For many of us on earth watching the news coverage of the shuttle disaster little was covered regarding the fate of the 3 stranded NASA astronauts. This book looks to cover that amazing story which is tragic, hopeful and filled with tension and unknown.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The William Mann River Rages

DSC04115 As if the weather gods were looking down on me and laughing since Kevin left for Senior Week a torrential storm struck the Mann estate while Kathy & I were out for the evening with my parents. As we sat dining at “The Bonefish Grill” rain poured outside in buckets. I wondered to myself, “I hope the stream is ok?” After dinner and a little shopping we arrived home about an hour and a half after the storm had ended. Surprisingly the Mann River was still raging as if it to was angry that Kevin would not be home until next Saturday. Because I am always thinking of you, my dedicated readers I braved the weather conditions in order to capture some video of the raging current running through the Mann River. 

Friday, June 12, 2009

Kevin Graduates High School

Dedicated readers, last night as first reported on facebook Kevin graduated from High School. It was a long time coming and his college days are on the horizon. I was a little nervous but very proud of Kevin as he stood with his class and received his diploma. With Bill Jr finishing up college and Kevin heading there it is no more high school for me as a parent. Where does the time go?

Kevin receives his high school diploma!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Kevin Graduates!

I have a mixed bag of emotiona attacking me dedicated readers.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

WW II Saturday

DSC04060 Today my dad and I took our 4th straight trip to Reading for our annual visit to the Mid Atlantic Air Museum's “World War II Weekend”. After an initial heated discussion regarding current politics we both got smart and left that silliness behind and enjoyed a great adventure together exploring all things World War II. We both enjoyed hearing from some true American heroes and watching a pretty cool air show. All in all a great day and I already look forward to our trip back next year.

Here are some highlights from the air show today.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Kevin Shocks Me!

Kevin_little_sleeping This evening as Kevin and I sat watching TV he looked at me and said, “Do you realize that this is my last school night?” “What?” I respond and Kevin reports, “Yep this is my last school night". After tonight I’m done with high school.” Wow I think to myself. Saddened I find myself doing a chore for the wife and finding a cold brew. Am I really this old? Where has all the time gone? Kevin Mann is done high school and heading off to college. Just like Kevin my life is heading off into directions unknown.  [pictured left] Kevin many years ago sleeping with his “Misty”.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Discovering Natalie

Merchant One of the best things about subscribing to Sirius Radio is all of the new music you can find if you look. One of my favorite stations on Sirius is “The Coffee House” , which plays acoustic rock. I have discovered so many great artists specifically from this station it is  amazing. It is here that I first found Loudon Wainwright III, Luka Bloom, Amos Lee, David Gray, Tracy Chapman and now I add Natalie Merchant to this amazing list of talent. I have heard Natalie Merchant on Sirius several times and her haunting voice always catches my attention. Lately I have checked out a couple of her CD releases and they are peaceful, haunting and mythical in their prose. 

The first song of Natalie's that I ever heard was "Wonder". Every time I hear this song I am brought back to the birth of each of my boys.

To learn more about Natalie Merchant's music check out her webpage.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Martin Van Buren by Ted Widmer

vanburen Ok I had to take a break from all of those science fiction novels, especially after the weak Star Trek short story collection, “Constellations”. I decided to get back to some history and chose a biography of Martin Van Buren by Ted Widmer.  Van Buren who was president from 1873 to 1841 is not thought much of these days and he is often disregarded by most historians. However his life story and political weight warrants more attention dedicated readers. For one thing, Van Buren was one of the first to recognize to political potential of  Andrew Jackson and Van Buren subsequently played a vital role in helping Jackson obtain the presidency. Van Buren was awarded the vice presidency under Jackson where he faithfully served Jackson for 8 years. Van Buren won the presidency in his own right as Jackson’s hand picked successor. However, unlike Jackson, events controlled him, he did not control events. The Financial Panic of 1837 which stands as this nations greatest financial disaster erupted shortly after Van Buren’s election and clouded his entire time in the White House. If that was not bad enough the ugly head of slavery was brought to his desk with the events surrounding the Slave Ship “Amistad”. This short biography should be entertaining while shining some light on “The Little Magician”.  

Unfortunately I realize that many of you, my dedicated readers are bored by history and reading however I wanted to show you this short video. Did you know there was a whole episode of "Seinfeld" which featured our 8th president? Check it out dedicated readers.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Remembering Jefferson Starship

Dedicated readers I have good news. Although this holiday weekend was filled with graduation parties and a memorial day picnic at Ian's house I still found time to complete a lot of yard work as well as finding a "double stroller" for the wife and even unintentionally re-discovering Grace Slick & Jefferson Starship. I remember first hearing Jefferson Starship in high school and for some reason being completely infatuated with Grace Slick. I also remember that Jefferson Starship even played a role during the ill-fated 1978 "Star Wars Holiday Special" which was about the only thing cool about that special.

Check out the song, "Fast Buck Freddie" from 1975's Jefferson Starship masterpiece "Red Octopus". This was one of those songs I played over and over and over again as a a teenager and here I am again playing it for all of you, my dedicated readers. I had not heard this song in years but when I stumbled upon it this weekend.... wow. Grace Slick I used to love you so.

It's hard to believe that Grace Slick is 69 years old now. When I was in high school she rocked.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Bound By Blood & Love

Ok I admit it dedicated readers. As Kevin approaches high school graduation and prepares to head off to college and Bill Jr gets closer to completing college I am often left wondering "where the heck did all that time go". I truly LOVED my days as a young parent raising my two boys. Things often look anti-climatic these days. However I realize that it is what is it and I look toward the future with pride in both my boys and hope for the future.

Today while I was working in my stream the song, "Go On" by Jack Johnson came on my I-pod and images of my boys started passing through my mind. I took a few minutes to try and recreate the moment for all of you, my dedicated readers. I hope you enjoy this and if you have young ones, hug them extra hard and try to remember the moment because it will not come again.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wegman's Policy Leads Me To The Hop Devil

Dedicated readers a few weeks ago Kevin came to me with big news. Kevin informed me that while he was shopping at Wegmans he noticed that they were now "selling beer and that the choices were endless". I was rather excited by this because I enjoy a pint from time to time and I have what my wife calls "expensive taste" for the brews. I checked Wegmans out and just like Kevin said the choices were endless. There are a couple of things to be aware of dedicated readers when it comes to picking up some brew at Wegmans.

1. You can not purchase more then a 12 pack at any time. If you want to buy more they ask you to make one purchase, go to your car and then come back for more. Hey but be patient. As Pennsylvania residents this is a huge step for us brew lovers so be patient.

2. Don't get excited like me when they card you. For a minute on my first purchase I was having wonderful flashbacks of my youth but that is a story for another day. Wegmans cards everybody, no matter how old you may appear.

Anyway onto the important stuff. Because you can buy small portions you can actually try out different brews without investing in an entire case. I tried several styles over the past few weeks and I must say I have finally found a competitor to my beloved Samuel Adams. I was shocked at how much I enjoyed the Victory Brewing Company's "Hop Devil Ale". This is one mean brew dedicated readers. With a unique mix of whole flower American hops backed up by rich, German malts this is one brew that will give Samuel Adams a run for the money in the Mann Family fridge.

Unfortunately for Mrs. Mann this new brew is actually slightly more expensive then Samuel Adams.

If you like your brew dedicated reader, check out Wegmans and don't be scared of the "Hop Devil".

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Revisiting The Meaning of Star Trek

star-trek-785687 In perhaps the most famous "Star Trek" episode of them all, Capt. James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and Cmdr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) stand in their stretchy mock-turtle uniform shirts, lady-pleasin' tight pants and pointy-toed boots on one of those studio-lot sets designed to evoke a prewar American city. People shuffle past in shabby clothes, and a black automobile with large, curved fenders crawls down the street. "I've seen photographs of this period," says Kirk. "An economic upheaval had occurred."

"It was called 'Depression,'" says Spock, raising one painted eyebrow in archetypal distaste. "Circa 1930. Quite barbaric."

As many of you will have spotted already, this is from "City on the Edge of Forever," a time-paradox yarn written by science-fiction legend Harlan Ellison. In it, Kirk falls in love with a kittenish Salvation Army type, played by Joan Collins, who envisions a future of space travel and peaceful global cooperation, and wants to rescue the world from the threat of impending war. Kirk comes from that future, of course. Not only can he not tell her that, he must also allow her to be run down by a bus to avoid a fatal disordering of the space-time continuum that would result in Hitler conquering the world and the Starship Enterprise never existing at all.

In its narrative ambition, its talky, theatrical density, its high-minded moral tone and its nerdy philosophizing, that episode captures a great deal about what made "Star Trek" such a potent cultural force. I guess that's why it's included, along with three other episodes, on "The Best of Star Trek: The Original Series," a new DVD/Blu-ray release presumably meant to lure new viewers of J.J. Abrams' hit film back to the source material. No "Star Trek" fan could possibly be happy with such a mini-collection -- where, I ask, is "Mirror, Mirror"? "The Doomsday Machine"? "The Devil in the Dark"?.

Watching "Star Trek" in 1970s syndication was such an important part of my childhood and adolescence -- I've seen every episode at least 30 or 40 times, and some many more than that. Star Trek

stands out, even after all this time, as something unique in television history. Of course "Star Trek" can never be the cultural monster it once was. Having spawned four official follow-up series, 11 feature films (and counting) and countless non-canonical works -- and inspired an entire genre of serial intergalactic futurism from "Space: 1999" to "Babylon 5" to "Battlestar Galactica,"  Gene

Roddenberry imagined a radical-progressive, enlightenment-fueled vision of the human future, one in which the conflict between capitalism and communism had been long transcended, along with eliminating other earthbound forms of racial, ethnic or religious strife. Strikingly, there is no religious or mystical dimension to the "Star Trek" universe at all. It was based around the chronic tension between reason and emotion, represented of course by the tension between Spock, Kirk & McCoy. Roddenberry

worked with the best writers he could get. Ellison wrote "City on the Edge of Forever," and Theodore Sturgeon, another big-name sci-fi author, wrote "Amok Time", the famous episode in which Spock goes into some kind of Vulcan craze and must return to his home planet in order to mate.

When it debuted in the late 1960’s "Star Trek" was new and startling in several ways: a science-fiction series that was literary and imaginative and heavily allegorical, that ladled out historical and political messages by the quart and that delivered a distinctive undertone of adult sexuality.

Roddenberry's attention to great and meaningful writing continues to make the original "Star Trek" relevant to contemporary viewers. CBS/Paramount has re-mastered the whole entire original series in  brilliant high-definition, and made them available on Blu-ray, iTunes, XBox Live and no doubt other platforms yet to be devised.  In the end, Star Trek depicts a

future where we would all agree that war and poverty and economic depression were barbaric, and where the girls would all wear miniskirts and nylons.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tech Bites Explores Wireless Radios

Grace Digital Wireless Internet Radio

As a dedicated reader you must have surely been saddened by the passing of my Soundbridge M500 yesterday. I love these devices so much I have three of them. One was in my kitchen which is piped to my deck, living room and kitchen. I also have one in my bedroom for evening listening of radio and podcasts and finally a third in my office at work. Yesterday my oldest one (about 3 years) passed away with what I believe was a fried board but who really knows because you cannot access the interior of the unit. Yesterday I took a ride over to Best Buy and found a Grace Wireless Internet Radio and liked what a saw. I had read about this one on the Sirius webpage so I used some of birthday money and picked this beauty up. So far I like what I see. This digital radio, which is now sitting in my kitchen can play my Sirius Radio Account, HD-Radio, Terrestrial Radio (internet streams), Pandora Radio and access my I-Tunes Library. After some tinkering I also have this piped throughout my home and deck. If you are in the market for a digital radio check this out and at $179.99 it is one of the most inexpensive options out there.

There are two areas that I am not very satisfied with however. One is the LCD screen. The screen size is very nice however it is very hard if not impossible to read from a distance which is a real shame because just like a Sirius radio the artist and song titles are displayed but you really cannot see it. The other problem is the lack of any ability to remotely access the radio from your computer. I am hoping that future software updates will at least address this issue.

Regardless of these two problems the Grace Digital Wireless Internet Radio is one of the best and most affordable options out there. Check it out dedicated readers and let the music play.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Kevin & Me (sneak peak)

Ok I know I am going a little crazy here. However Kevin getting ready to go off to college is really doing strange things to me. As a coping mechanism I have been working on a important and provoking film presentation which I will premier at Kevin's graduation party. Anyway here is a short version including exclusive clips of Kevin & I through the years. This is a sneak peek of the masterpiece I am working on. To give you, my dedicated readers some idea of how BIG the final film is going to be, this short is about 7 minutes long while the graduation film is just under 60 minutes.

Technical Note: You will not find this video on my YouTube channel. This sneak peak is available only here, for you, my dedicated readers. Also some of the pictures need to be re-edited but hey I wanted to share it with all of you even in this rough cut.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What Was & What Is To Come

With Kevin’s prom this weekend and his high school graduation only weeks away and college looming my thoughts recently have been filled with the years past and what is yet to come. I’m not really ready to be a “empty nester” but I don’t see what I can do about it. Here is a short video I made up using some pictures of Kevin. I am working on a master film project for Kevin’s graduation party. In the meantime here is a short version of what I am working on.
























I used the music of Luka Bloom who is one of my favorites.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Thanks for The Birthday Wishes

I would like to thank everyone for all of your birthday wishes made here and on my Facebook wall. Life is short and it is good to have all of these well wishes from so many good friends & family. (pictured right) One of Bill Jr's earliest birthdays. It's hard to believe he is 22 now and I am sitting here at 45! But look at THAT cake! THAT was a work of art!
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Was That Really Me?

wasthatmeAs a dedicated reader you surely are aware that today is my birthday. Birthdays have lost the magic that they once had. I remember my dad turning “39” and thinking to myself “I will never be THAT old”. well dedicated readers I passed 39 and here I am in the middle of my 40’s. I really can’t believe this has happened to me.  Well it did and it’s another “happy birthday to me”.

Friday, May 15, 2009

"I Want To Go Back, Please Tell Me How"

I realize that one of my most popular blog entries with you, my dedicated readers was my vast insight into the world of music. As tonight began to wind down the following tune would not stop haunting me. Anyway with all this talk of Kevin heading off to college this Phil Collins song will not stop playing in my head. The song, which is from my favorite Phil Collins album, 1993's "Both Sides" talks about how we all turn into our fathers as we are also forced watch out children grow up and out of our control.

Dedicated readers, take a few minutes to listen to this song and read the incredible lyrics. If you have a father who you love and you have children growing up and moving on this song will have special meaning to you.

"We're Sons Of Our Fathers" by Phil Collins
When I grow up to be a man
like my father was when I was young
I hope i can make him so proud of me
Proud enough to call me his son

What makes these people so different now
what makes these times so strange
seems most people got most everything they need
how come we see this change

Our sons and daughters seem to be beyond our control
their smile is fading fast, they're losing their soul
when will we ever learn, yet I'm a believer

When I was a boy, did we have more respect
this world seemed a nicer place to be
but time slowly passes and one day you look around
you hardly recognize what you see

Our sons and daughters seem to be beyond our control
their smile is fading fast, they're losing their soul
now when will we ever learn, yet I'm a believer

They're beyond our control

We're all sons of our fathers
sometimes I feel like mine
and I can hear him say, the things I say
seems all things come around in time

Why these things happen we'll never know
guess that was then and this is now
we always knew that change was gonna come
but I want to go back, please tell me how

Our sons and daughters seem to be beyond our control
their smile is fading fast, they're losing their soul
when will we ever learn, yet I'm a believer

"Star Trek - Constellations"

Ok I admit it. After the new Star Trek movie I can not stop thinking about the Star Trek universe. I have not read a good history or biography in a month or so but I just can't stop with the whole science fiction thing right now. After finishing "Fountains of Paradise" and "Star Trek - Countdown" I decided to read a Star Trek book which has been sitting in my library unread since 2006. "Star Trek - Constellations" is a 40th anniversary special which is a collection of short stories involving the original Star Trek series. I am not a huge fan of the short story format, however I decided to give this a try dedicated readers.

Kevin's Senior Prom

Tonight was Kevin's senior prom and of course he attended with his beautiful girlfriend, Ashley. As I took pictures of these two amazing people I was so proud and I was left wondering "was I ever as cool and handsome as Kevin"? The answer is of course "no". However as a parent and as one who loves his boys so much I would never want it any other way. I was actually very excited as I took pictures and met many of Kevin's classmates before their prom.

Kevin, Ashley and just some of their friends getting ready to head off to their senior prom.

Look how happy I am dedicated readers. Look how proud I am. Thats me, Kevin, Ashley, Kathy and Ashley's mom before the prom.

Special Pre-Prom 2009 Slideshow

You can click on the slideshow itself to make it larger. Enjoy dedicated readers. How great would it to be to be this young & beautiful again, if only for a single day!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Star Trek - Countdown"

I have not read a graphic novel in years but after seeing the new Star Trek movie five times (so far) I just had to check the graphic novel, "Star Trek - Countdown" out. This tells the story of Nero 25 years before the events told in the new movie. But wait a minute. If this takes place BEFORE Kirk and Spock's first mission how is Nero in the Next Generation universe. Only in Star Trek can stuff like this happen!

UPDATE: This is a 100 page or so graphic novel and I finished it in one reading. Although short it is worth the time if you enjoyed the movie as it really does fill in some of the back end of the plot and sets up Nero's downfall.

Making Comments

Dedicated readers my last entry (Verizon Rant) has led to quiet alot of conversation and email messages. One of the items brought up was the ability to make comments on my blog entries. To comment you must open the specific blog entry and the comment link will be available to you at the bottom of the entry. You can also simply click the word "comments" which is on the bottom of each entry.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Verizon Rant (video version)

Here dedicated readers is the video version of my unfortunate rant regarding Verizon FioS service in my home.

Verizon Did Me Wrong

Dedicated readers I have a horrible story to tell. As a dedicated reader you must know that I am a long time Directv customer. I have been with Directv since 1996 and I have no intention of canceling their great service. I also have Verizon Fios for Internet & Telephone services. Anyway last week I get a phone call from Verizon "offering" me increased services and only a slightly increased cost. However I would be "getting HD TV including Comcast Sportsnet Philadelphia" which the evil Comcast Company refuses to sell to Directv. Against my better judgment I listened to the Verizon sales rep and I signed on for their "triple pack". 

However after the call I started having second thoughts and I tred to contact the rep I was talking to earlier however he was not answering his phone or returning my calls. Funny since he specifically gave me his cell phone number because he "cares". The following day I called Verizon and finally get a hold of someone after what seemed like hours back and forth on the phone with various departments. It did not take long before I was angry and that was before I drug out certain facts that were contrary to the previous evenings promises.

Some of the misleading information I found included:

1. I need "boxes" at any TV that I want Verizon TV. $3.99 each. These are simply "digital adapters". Nothing fancy here. No grid, no nothing, but $3.99 each.

2. Any new wiring is at least $59.00 per TV run.

3. To get Comcast Sportsnet the monthly package is increased by $10.00.

I could go on and on but I won't except for the fact that the ad I received said specifically $99.99 /month for FiOS TV, Internet & Phone Service. However this does not include the receivers ranging from $3.99 to $10.00 each or the aforementioned $59.00 (or so) cable charges to install wiring.

All this plus hours on the phone with "Verizon reps" all over the world has left me frustrated, angry and just a little disappointed in Verizon. Dedicated readers do yourself a favor, call Directv as soon as possible and stay away from Verizon for TV.

In the end dedicated readers it is all about customer service. My contacts with Verizon these past couple of days have left me angry and feeling mislead and deceived. On the other hand for the past 12 years Directv although not perfect I NEVER was made to feel mislead or deceived.

The moral of the story is quite simple dedicated readers.
Directv = goodness.
Verizon and Comcast = evilness.

Save yourself, save your family go to today.

Video Highlights Made Easy

Dedicated readers there are now select William Mann Journal videos available on the right side of this fine journal. New videos will always be posted here but for now I have a recently filmed music video as well as some selected Kevin Mann highlights from this past football season.

You can always visit the William Mann Journal YouTube Channel as well.

I hope to film a new episode very soon.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Trekkie is Born

Tonight I believe I helped deliver yet another Trekkie into the world. After going to see the new Star Trek film with Ian, Brianna, Bill Jr, Dad and Lt. Morris Brianna started begging me to borrow some of my Star Trek DVD's.

Monday, May 11, 2009

STS-125 is "Mission Go"

For those of you, my dedicated readers who missed it, Space Shuttle Atlantis (STS-125) lifted off this afternoon from Kennedy Space Center en route to repair the Hubble Space Telescope.

Star Trek 101

I must say that this past weekend has been a rather unusual one for me. No it's not because of mother's day or Kevin's continued preparation for college. You see I have been a Trekkie (or Trekker) since my earliest memories. I can distinctly remember the first time I saw Star Trek on TV. I had to be 6 or 7 years old and while my grandmother (Nanny) vacuumed the living room I was changing the TV channels (knob on TV) trying to stay out of her way when I stopped on Channel 48. There was Mr. Spock mind-melding with a "horta" and Captain Kirk standing by looking ever so concerned, phaser in hand. I was hooked from that moment on. It had to be 1973 or so because I remember the animated series airing on Saturday morning shortly afterward and that was 1974. From those earliest days Star Trek has always held a special place to me. However life can be difficult and through my childhood, teenage years and even as an adult most of my friends and family thought I was a little nuts. I knew better because Star Trek was unique, just like me. It's tales of morality, common respect for others and its open mindness went on to help me raise my boys to be thoughtful, intelligent & respectful people.

Anyway on to the reason for this blog entry. Flash forward 4 more spin off TV series and 10 movies and although there was almost always some new Star Trek out there, it was never quite "hip" or "cool", whatever that it. That all changed this weekend when the 11th Star Trek film opened to fantastic reviews and huge box office. For the first time, friends, co-workers and even family members are talking to me about Star Trek, asking about the movie, the franchise and its history. Well it looks like the rest of the world has finally caught up with me and all those other trekkies (or trekkers). You know it's kind of weird being this cool. I'm not even sure if I am comfortable with it.

Just maybe now that Star Trek finally has the attention of the masses, people will learn some of it's lessons.

As an example here is a scene that has never left me since childhood. As Kirk & Spock talk with the alien the conversation turns to racism and the insanity of judging anyone by their appearance. As the hatred of the 2 sole survivors of an entire planet continues to rage while they are onboard the Enterprise they refuse to change their behavior and eventually destroy themselves. Lessons are hard to come by on television and Star Trek remains one of the rare exceptions to that rule.

The Dangerous Mission of STS-125

Cross your fingers and wish the crew of STS-125 good luck on their mission to repair and upgrade the Hubble Space Telescope. This is the final mission to upgrade the Hubble which should continue recording images from deep space until about 2014 when a smarter and bigger space telescope is ready for action.

This is such a difficult and unusual mission with 7 space walks scheduled (a record for NASA) and Astronauts actually working INSIDE the 19 year old telescope that the Space Shuttle Endeavor sits on a launch pad on standby for emergency rescue services. This is highly unusual for NASA so keep NASA in your thoughts for this very cool mission.

Mission: STS-125
Orbiter: Atlantis
Primary Payload: Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 4
Launch Date: May 11
Launch Time: 2:01 p.m. EDT
Launch Pad: 39A
Mission Duration: 11 days
Landing Date: May 22
Landing Time: 11:41 a.m. EDT
Landing Site: Kennedy Space Center, Florida

For more news check out NASA's official website.There is some great information there.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Blog System Updates

One of the things many of you have asked for from this new blog is simply more William Mann. Because I care for each and everyone of you, my dedicated readers I decided to add some William Mann Slideshows to the right sidebar of this fine journal. You can simply watch the slideshows while you visit here or you can click on any of them for full fledged William Mann action from some of his many adventures.

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Star Trek Dream

OK I admit it. I could be considered a geek or nerd by some of you, even those of you who are dedicated readers of this fine journal. As you know last night I traveled to King of Prussia with Bill Jr & Kevin to see the new Star Trek film on IMAX. I was simply blown away by the movie. As someone who literally grew up on the Star Trek universe this film meets all the wishes I had for it.

When I first heard that the filmmakers were going back to the source material and using some sort of time travel story to get back to the original characters I was a little nervous. However being desperate for new Star Trek I hoped for the best and sat back and waited to see what J.J. Abrhams and team came up with. I was also relieved to hear early on that the original Mr. Spock, Leonard Nimoy himself endorsed the story and was in fact appearing in the film.

So anyway after seeing it last night I decided to trek (no pun intended) over to my local movie house for a afternoon showing of it without all the crowds and hype. I must report I enjoyed it even more on the second viewing.

The story opens up BIG and I do mean big. The opening 20 minutes out performs many climaxes of big movie releases and the movie just gets better after that. Immediately you realize that this new Star Trek is slightly ajar from Gene Roddenberry's original, however the plot trigger that permits this to occur is really the only true way the filmmakers could have "re-booted" this thing.

I refuse to give away any spoilers or ruin the movie for any of you, my dedicated readers who want to see it. Even if you are not a fan of the original Star Trek I urge you to beam over to your nearest movie house and take a chance.

The second film is already being scripted and the cast is signed for two more of these trips. I for one am on board and as Captain Kirk says at the end of "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn" when he is asked by Bones how he feels, Kirk responds with "Young... I feel young." I could not have said it better Jim.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Star Trek Warps Back

This is simply the best Star Trek film to date. I actually believe I enjoyed it more then "The Wrath of Kahn" and "First Contact", however I will have to wait and see after a few more viewings if that feeling remains . WOW is all I can report at this time, I am speechless. The story was fun, the actors amazing and each true to their character while at the same time taking the franchise into a new adventure. The filmmakers are already working on the next film so that is cool as well.

If you know your Star Trek lore don't be alarmed because of the twists and turns of the plot, just sit back and enjoy the ride. The future is bright for Star Trek and I for one could not be happier. I have missed this Enterprise crew and its good to have them back.

I don't want to post a full review just yet because you should see this latest Star Trek movie knowing as little as possible to fully enjoy the trip. There will be time later for a full detailed review.

All the shows appeared to be sold out and it was awesome to once again see so much excitement surround a Star Trek movie. The theater was buzzing and I even turned my Blackberry off which tells you something right there. The last time I witnessed this type of crowd for a Trek movie was 1996's "First Contact".

If you have the chance see it on IMAX but be warned it will only be on IMAX for 2 more weeks. Regal in Downingtown also has a HD print playing in the evenings.

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To Serve You Better

Testing a new blogging client in order to serve all of you, my dedicated readers better.

The Space Elevator

As I read Arthur C. Clarke's 1979 masterpiece, "Fountains of Paradise" I am intrigued by the concept of the "space elevator". What is a "space elevator" you ask dedicated reader. Check out this clip from a recent "Nova" episode which talks about the concept and even mentions Mr. Clarke's amazing novel.

A Word About My New Blog

Although I re-enter the internet world of "blogging" the William Mann Facebook site will continue. I hope that this provides all of you, my dedicated readers with more of me then Facebook can offer.

My First Entry of My New Blog

So many of you my dedicated readers have asked for the return of "The William Mann Journal". Although Facebook is my new home for internet communication I am trying to find room for all of you my dedicated readers who have no desire or know how to get onto Facebook. So here we go again, "The New William Mann Journal" is open for business. (pictured left) You can see me about 6 or 7 weeks ago standing in front of a huge "Star Trek" film promo. Well May 8th is finally here and I will be there to see the new Trek film on the first showing, on IMAX with Bill jr & Kevin. Life simply does not get any better then this.